Facial Grooming Beauty Waxing Laser

Interactions between your medication and hair removal

Medication & Hair Removal

Did you know that long-term use of certain dermal oral medication could cause some unwanted situations on your skin? Let me explain the consequences of undergoing waxing or laser hair removal while taking Accutane or Roaccutane

Before Waxing:

  • Perform a patch test on a small portion of your skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Choose the right type of wax for you - Soft or Hard
  • Temperature Test - Sensitive skin can be more prone to burns.
  • Pre-wax preparation - Cleanse and remove any oils or lotions on skin.
  • Waxing Technique -  Apply the wax in the direction of hair growth and remove it against the direction of hair growth. This helps minimize pain and reduce the risk of skin irritation. As for the consequences of waxing or laser hair removal while taking Accutane or Roaccutane, it's important to note that both medications can make your skin more sensitive and prone to side effects. 
  • Post-wax treatment - Always apply tea tree soothing lotion or aloe vera gel after your waxing session.

Skin Sensitivity
Accutane and Roaccutane can thin the skin and make it more delicate. Waxing or laser hair removal can cause additional irritation or damage to the skin, leading to redness, swelling, and discomfort

Increased Risk of Scarring
These medications can affect the skin's healing process, making it more susceptible to scarring. Waxing or laser treatments may increase the chances of scarring or pigmentation issues.

Delayed Healing
Accutane and Roaccutane can slow down the skin's natural healing process. This means that any skin irritation or damage caused by waxing or laser hair removal may take longer to heal.

Delayed Results
Due to the skin's increased sensitivity, the results of waxing or laser hair removal may be less effective or take longer to achieve while on Accutane or Roaccutane.
It's crucial to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. They can guide you on the best hair removal methods and recommend suitable alternatives.

Skin Hydration
Hydrating your skin (face or body) offers numerous benefits, serving as both the first step towards anti-aging and an effective defense against weakened skin caused by long-term medication like Accutane or Roaccutane
Hydration facials deeply moisturize the skin, replenishing lost hydration. This is crucial for maintaining skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and preventing premature aging. Properly hydrated skin looks plump, smooth, and radiant. Hydration facials often include techniques such as facial massages or specialized masks that stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and firmness to the skin. By boosting collagen levels, hydration facials help to combat the loss of elasticity and reduce the signs of aging.

The process of hydration facials often involves exfoliation, which removes dead skin cells and stimulates cell turnover. This promotes the growth of new, healthy skin cells, resulting in a fresh and rejuvenated complexion. By enhancing cell regeneration, hydration facials can help diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Long-term medication, like Accutane or Roaccutane, can weaken the skin barrier, leading to increased sensitivity and dryness. Hydration facials provide intense moisture, fortifying the skin barrier and improving its ability to retain moisture. This helps to alleviate dryness, reduce redness, and restore a healthy complexion. Such medications can cause skin irritation and inflammation. Hydrate often using a combination of soothing ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which help calm and soothe the skin. By reducing inflammation, the skin can alleviate discomfort and promote a more balanced complexion.

Miss Sassy
Feel Hydrated in 60 min with our trial facial at $48 (UP$99) Book Now!

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